Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Need To Make Black Women Literate

“Women are frequently viewed as second-class citizens. The media, literature, and schools all portray women as second-class citizens, which help acculturate individuals to accept the roles women can and cannot undertake” (Darling, 19).

Having to read the quote above, I find nothing but truth. When you look into the media especially, you’ll find the majority of the women’s standards and behavior lower than men. So, when you see the latest movie, or read the top-sellers list book about the women who” can’t find a man”, or who has “baby mama drama”, you automatically believe that women are like that in real life. Don’t get me wrong, there are women who fit into those categories, but all are not that way.

“ It is a fact that a Black woman is more ignored in schools than her White counterparts, she is more ignored in society, and she is born into situations that put her at risk for failure from birth” (Darling, 19)
Being a Spelman woman, I am 100% sure that Spelman College is preparing me, and my sisters for the real world. Based on the quote above, we are not ignored by our school, wit that being said, we will have a better foundation when it is time to go into the real worlds.  I will do whatever it takes to graduate from Spelman College, and not become a statistics among black or women in general.

Education is so important. The world will be so much better if the World’s foundation, the WOMAN, every woman would have access to a proper and equal education. Being a black illiterate female, you have so many obstacles in your life. THE NEED TO MAKE BLACK WOMEN LITERATE IS ESSENTIAL!

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